Monday, August 31, 2009

DevExpress now officially supporting Delphi 2010.

Well, they were quick to deliver and now it is official. DevExpress is supporting Delphi 2010 and it is available for download to all their license holders.

The new Express Install, v1.46 includes full support for Delphi 2010 and C++ Builder 2010 to the following VCL components:

ExpressQuantumGrid v6
ExpressQuantumTreeList v5
ExpressPivotGrid v2
ExpressScheduler v3
ExpressBars v6 and Docking Library
ExpressNavBar v2
ExpressEditors Library
ExpressSkins Library
ExpressLayout Control
ExpressPrinting System v3

Very good news indeed, Enjoy!

1 comment:

Feryal said...

This is indeed good news. DevExpress is a great product, specially the Grid. I also like their spell checker.

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