Monday, September 19, 2005

BDNradio: The 8 Hours of InterBase

I'm happy to announce to all the Interbase fans, the next great Borland Radio event.

Please tune in on Thursday, Sept 22nd, 7am Pacific Time.

Don't miss it!!

Check the borland Event section here.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Google get in on Microsoft's nerves?

It sounds like payback time for me.

After MS got more than 30 Borland employees through the years, they are suddenly feeling the same brain migration thanks to powerful mighty Google, to the extreme of MS CEO throwing chairs and blessing google in all its aspects. Very entertaining, link here.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Borland Developers Conference!!

Very nice introduction to the agenda and speakers of the Borland's Developer Conference this November in San Francisco.

Check this great presentation.

My intention is to assist to the conference, but, it all depends on how some business around that time work out. If they do, then, i will not go :P.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Ebay buys SKYPE!!!!!!

One of the most popular Delphi developed programs Skype is close to be part of Ebay's realm.

The rumors talk about a 3 to 4 billion dollar deal. Hey, thats a lot for a nicely done Delphi development. My kudos to the Skype team, their software is a great example of high engineering.

Oracle buys Siebel!

Well, when i worked for Acer Corporation, i used Siebel. It was a very good system on that time (7 years ago) by now, it is one of the best CRM software packages out there.

Now with Oracle's adquisition of PeopleSoft and Siebel things will change and SAP should start to worry.

The deal was closed with a 5.85 Billion dollars. lol, just that?

More details here.

Also check siebel's website.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Brazil a Delphi World.

It is time for Brazil to enjoy the "Extreme Performance".

Aggh, thats the kind of marketing i want to see around here!!

Have an awesome time down there guys!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

DevExpress and KbmMW ... My new toys.


Well, i finally picked a Grid for my new project, the favorite after a big response from the borland forum was Dev Express Quantum Grid 5. My comments so far: amazing drag and drop grouping of columns.

On the other side, i'm trying to install, and learn my new KbmMW Enteprise multi-tier framework, so far i'm having problems trying to install it under Delphi 7, it seems to be reconigzing a different version of the Indy components (9 instead of 10). The memory table is working properly, so at least i have one right.

I will keep you posted of my progress with this new powerful toys.

Cya all.

Pst. Allen Bauer post another unofficial patch for Delphi 2005. It is already installed on my computer and it seems to help a lot. Thanks Delphi team, in you guys we trust.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Agghh he is really selling Borland out ... :)

More good stuff coming from Mr Bauer, now, another beautiful "use at your own risk" patch, which basically means, as you can imagine, that i'm already using it :D.

Cheers and go HERE! to get it, go soon, available NOW!.

Thanks Allen! Really really thank you.

Mr. Bauer little secret.

Well, it was supposed to be a secret, but, i couldn't manage to keep it like that. :P

Sooo... click here to find more:

Allen Bauer's little secret.


By the way, D2005 is not giving me much trouble, i'm starting small to medium size projects, and it is going so far, so good.

Quick update.

Hi guys, it is a while since my last post.

I left my previous job (2.7 years), it was an amazing time, lots of good people and i had the opportunity to work like crazy on Delphi 5 and 7. But now it is time to move on.

Now i'm playing lots more with Delphi 2005 for personal projects.
I have lots of new ventures coming and it promises to be a good year, i think i will be buying Dexter (Delphi 2006) by the end of this year.

I should receive the book "Mastering Delphi 2005" this week from Amazon. Lots to learn, i will be moving to a nice learning curve around ASP.Net and ECO II.

In the meanwhile i'm getting knowledge on WebLogic and Java deployment in general as part of a project i have in mind.

Anyway, keep the Delphi hype going... talk to y'all soon.

A painless self-hosted Git service

Remember how a part of my NAS setup was to host my own Git server? Well that forced me to review options and I stumble into Gitea .  A extr...