Thursday, January 20, 2005

COM+ Wars...

Ok, so basically i have a set of Com+ that have to work on win2000 and another set of COM+ that have to work on Win2003.

The migration wasn't as bad as i tought, i encounter some basic problems due to security restrictions that windows 2003 by default adds to almost any network communication.

So for all of you guys that use DataSnap on a COM+ (Transactional Modules) in 2000 and want to "upgrade" it to 2003, this articles will help you.

1. How To Enable Network COM+ Access in Windows Server 2003.

Then i start getting this nice error message while starting my apps:

"New transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator."

So far so good, LAN side is covered. What about ISAPIs in IIS 6.0?

It was kind of simple actually:

1. Click "Allow unknown ISAPI extensions" in your web extension option in the IIS.
2. And, i dont know why, i create/write/read a log file that is created inside the System32\LogFiles directory. Doesn't matter how many permissions i gave, or how many times i tried to reset it. It never allowed me to write data on it anymore. The problem was solved when i moved the location of the file to any other directory in the computer.

Well, that was it. So far the way to D2005 and Win2003 is looking good.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

What i do...

Ok, basically, i deal with one of the people's favorite sins. Gambling.

I do Casino and Sports Book wagering software.

It's a very fascinating industry and i can tell you hundreds of adventure around this business... but oh well, i can post some other day about that.

In the meanwhile, today im fighting with some integration with our casino software, which works with win2000, as i mentioned before, my servers are in win2003, so its a good step to check compatibility and any other issues between these 2 guys and how com+ works from one to another.

So far so good... i will keep you posted.

Oh, if you have Rave 6 license, DONT install it on your D2005. I uninstall the Rave set that came on my D2005 (version 6) to upgrade to my registered version 6.2. Big mistake, newer version yes, but i lost my .Net reporting capabilities, reason?

Well, it seems that in the near future, whoever had a license over Rave 6, will need to upgrade to a new license to .Net, because we will be able to download only the Rave 6 upgrades intended to Win32 development, .Net will be some other issue ($$$).

Not totally sure about this, but looks like it.

k, bye!

Thursday, January 13, 2005

New year, new development.

There is nothing like starting a new year, than starting with fresh mentality and FRESH SOFTWARE. Yup, SQL server formatted, and upgraded from 2000 to 2003 (finally). Application Servers to 2003, and my dev computer to XP with the IT terror service pack 2.

Delphi 5 in (aghh, dont tell me), Delphi 7 in (oh yeah!), Delphi 2005 in. (IT ROX!!)

Yup, we develop in the three of them, reason for not upgrading... components. Im stuck with a set of components in Delphi 5. Too expensive (thats what they say) to go for the 7 version at least.

New INDY components, version 10, (it actually gave me some trouble installing it on D5), and new Rave 6.

So far so good, final step will be to try to compile our code, fingers cross, as usual it should never work on the first run, else we are in trouble.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Welcome to my Blog!

Well, this is my first attempt on having a blog.

Main topic, my favorite programming language DELPHI!!!

Specially now that we have Delphi 2005.

I hope to start posting soon.

A painless self-hosted Git service

Remember how a part of my NAS setup was to host my own Git server? Well that forced me to review options and I stumble into Gitea .  A extr...