Thursday, January 20, 2005

COM+ Wars...

Ok, so basically i have a set of Com+ that have to work on win2000 and another set of COM+ that have to work on Win2003.

The migration wasn't as bad as i tought, i encounter some basic problems due to security restrictions that windows 2003 by default adds to almost any network communication.

So for all of you guys that use DataSnap on a COM+ (Transactional Modules) in 2000 and want to "upgrade" it to 2003, this articles will help you.

1. How To Enable Network COM+ Access in Windows Server 2003.

Then i start getting this nice error message while starting my apps:

"New transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator."

So far so good, LAN side is covered. What about ISAPIs in IIS 6.0?

It was kind of simple actually:

1. Click "Allow unknown ISAPI extensions" in your web extension option in the IIS.
2. And, i dont know why, i create/write/read a log file that is created inside the System32\LogFiles directory. Doesn't matter how many permissions i gave, or how many times i tried to reset it. It never allowed me to write data on it anymore. The problem was solved when i moved the location of the file to any other directory in the computer.

Well, that was it. So far the way to D2005 and Win2003 is looking good.

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